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Overview of Deep Learning: Applications in Various Areas

Atul Kumar


Deep learning is emerging field in the sense of artificial intelligence. Deep-learning innovation powers numerous parts of current society: from web quests to content sifting on interpersonal organizations to proposals on web-based business sites, and it is progressively present in shopper items, for example, cameras and cell phones. Deep learning offers effective procedures to discover designs in information for taking care of testing prescient issues. Deep learning is widely used now in various applications like speech recognition, pattern recognition and image processing. This paper discusses the overview of Deep learning, its various applications and various techniques used in deep learning. 

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Atul Kumar. Overview of Deep Learning: Applications in Various Areas. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research & Advances 2018; 5(3): 39–48p.


Deep learning, Convolutional neural networks, Recurrent neural networks.

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