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Identification of best Reliability model among various Reliability Models

Sapna Bajaj, Dr. Archana Kumar


Development of reliable software is one of the most difficult problems which the software Industry is facing. Schedule pressure, limitations of available resources, and requirement set of customer are the major factors that has negative impact upon the  reliability of any software . Creating highly reliable software is especially hard when there is dependency among the various modules of software. It is also a difficult to find whether or not the software that has been delivered is reliable or not. When the software has been delivered to the customer, its reliability can be identified by from feedback and satisfaction level of the customer. But the major importance of reliability Engineering is to know the reliability of the software before it has been delivered to the customer.Software reliability models attempt to provide that information.

Keywords: Defect, failure rate, reliability, software reliability growth models

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Sapna Bajaj, Archana Kumar. Identification of Best Reliability Model among Various Reliability Models.
Journal of Advancements in Robotics. 2018; 5(1): 12–14p.

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