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System Learning Method Using Spam Filter

C.A. Kannadasan, R. Jayakumar


System learning method can figure out how to perform essential tasks by generalizing from examples. This is often feasible and more effective where human programming is not. As large data becomes available, more ambitious problems can be tackled. As a result, System learning method is broadly used in computer science and other fields. However, developing successful System learning method using spam filter applications requires a substantial amount of “black art” that is hard to find in textbooks. This article summarizes twelve key lessons that System learning method researchers and practitioners have learned. These include pitfalls to avoid using spam filter, important issues to focus on, and answers to common questions.

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C.A. Kannadasan, R. Jayakumar. System Learning Method Using Spam Filter. Journal of Advances in Shell Programming. 2016; 3(1): 19–27p.


Boolean vector, objective function, scoring function

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