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Analysis of AODV & DSR Routing Protocols in Presence of Malicious Nodes for Hybrid Network

Roshan Jahan, Sheikh Fahad Ahmad, Nashra Javed


Routing in hybrid network is emerging area of research due to different connectivity of network. Hybrid network is a combination of wireless and wired networks. It is very difficult to route a packet in both the network using single protocol. The existing routing protocols are not able to perform in both the network simultaneously. On the other hand if any node behaving like malicious and creates attack on network, than whole communication will be squeeze. This paper analyses AODV and DSR routing protocols for hybrid networks in presence of malicious node. The simulation has been done on QualNet 5.0. The results are discussed in the paper.

Keywords: Hybrid network, AODV, DSR, malicious nodes

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Jahan et al. Analysis of AODV & DSR Routing Protocols in Presence of Malicious Nodes for Hybrid Network. Recent Trends in Parallel Computing. 2016; 3(1): 27–33p.

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