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Hand Gesture Controlled Drone

Abhinav Vilas Dhanawade, Ninad Dwarkanath Patil, Mukesh Sanjay Dhanure, Rina Bora


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, also known as drones, are the aircrafts that can be operated without a human pilot on board of the aerial vehicle. Drones can be navigated from the ground, using a GPS tracking system. Drones are traditionally operated using remote controllers, joysticks, mobile applications, and embedded computers. Some important problems previously faced with these approaches are that drone controlling is limited to the range of electromagnetic radiation and is susceptible to interference noise. In this, the use of hand gestures is considered as another technology to control drones. Hand gestures are used to control the movement of the drone and an onboard camera is used for streaming an aerial view of the surrounding. This UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicles) are becoming very popular and are widely used for photogrammetry and remote sensing applications. This paper basically describes about how the surveillance drone is made and then discusses about its-components and it’s working. The main objective of this project is to provide convenient and efficient surveillance at an affordable price, so that the drones can be used for both private and government purposes.

Keywords: Drone, Hand gesture, Quadcopter, Aerial view, Gesture controllers, Aerial surveillance.

Cite this Article: Abhinav Vilas Dhanawade, Ninad Dwarkanath Patil, Mukesh Sanjay Dhanure, Rina Bora. Hand Gesture Controlled Drone. Journal of Advancements in Robotics. 2020; 7(2): 23–28p.

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