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Review for Deployment of Femtocells in SOHO

Parth Singh, Md. Fahad Monir


Mobile communication has been growing at a very fast rate allowing connectivity not only over the local areas but also to different geographic locations including remote areas. Decades before a vision or a concept which was supposed to be a dream luxury has now become a part of every society, community or region in the present time in the form of basic necessities. Base stations such as macrocell allows wireless communication to a wide range up to the radius of 20 km. But the strength of signal attenuates as a person moves away from the base station. This leads to poor services or worse, i.e., no coverage. However, there are technologies such as cable connection (e.g. DSL) broadband, which provides internet in home or small area through wireless routers. This paper illustrates the solution to provide the good cellular network strength in the areas where there is little or no coverage. This solution can find application in providing better signal strength in small offices and home office (SOHO). The solution discussed in this paper is femtocell. The paper will also illustrate every key aspect from architectural study to network sharing models.


SOHO, frequency reuse, UMTS/UTRAN, micro/macrocell, Uu-interface, CAPEX/OPEX

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