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A Survey on Big Data and Its Benefits and Challenges




The objective of this article is to spectacle the benefits and vital issues of big data and its several challenging factors in companies and organization. It also expresses which kind of big data companies are expected for their needs and how much big data is designed for produced. Innovative resources of big data include location specific data arising from traffic management, and from the tracking of personal devices. With such large size of data, it becomes very difficult to perform effective analysis using the existing traditional techniques and methods. Large quantity of data is better used as a whole because of the possible correlations on a larger amount, correlations that can never be found if the data is analyzed on separate sets or on a smaller group. Larger amount of data gives a better output but also working with it can become a challenge due to processing restrictions.

Keywords: Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Big Data Analytics Software, Hadoop project

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Maheswari A. A Survey on Big Data and Its Benefits and Challenges. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2017; 4(2): 1–7p.

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