A Comprehensive Review on the Structural and Implementation Redesigns of the Data Structural Support to the Memory Management Techniques in Operating System
The power of system memory usage lies in the prospect of designing data structures which supports the management of huge data formations. The effective software support to these structures paved the way to miraculous advancements in the area of system memory management. Even though many data structures were designed for memory management, the Page Tables and the Translation look aside Buffers (TLB) are the major backbone structures in the area of memory management. As the multiprocessing feature advanced, major shortcomings of these structures were reported. This paper gives a comprehensive review on the Structural and Implementation redesigns of these Data Structural Support in various areas like heterogeneous computing, non-architectural TLBs, hypervisors, super pages, Linux kernels and phase change memories.
Keywords: Data structures, LINUX kernel, operating system, Page table, PCM, super pages, TLB
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Hitha Paulson, Rajesh R. A comprehensive review on the structural and implementation redesigns of the data structural support to the memory management techniques in operating system. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2015; 2(3): 14–20p.
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