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Commutativity of Some Graph Operators

Jeepamol J Palathingal, Aparna Lakshmanan S



The line graph L(G) of a graph G has the edges of G as its vertices and two distinct edges of G are adjacent in L(G) if they are incident in G. In this paper we consider the commutativity of the line graph operator with some other operators such as Gallai graph Γ(G), anti- Gallai graph Δ(G), kth power of a graph Powk(G), k-distance graph Tk(G), cycle graph Cy(G), block graph B(G), subdivision graph S(G), total graph T(G) and middle graph Mid(G).

Keywords: Line graph, graph operators, commutativity

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Jeepamol J. Palathingal, Aparna Lakshmanan S. Commutativity of Some Graph Operators. Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures. 2019; 6(1): 1–5p.


Line graph, Graph Operators, Commutativity

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