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A Shift in Learning and Intelligence Acquisition: Technologies and Advancements

Ab Waheed Lone, Sheikh Riyaz-ul haq, Afaq Alam Khan


Human intelligence replication by non-living things or objects has created new dimensions of research. With innovations in Artificial intelligence now happening at breathtaking pace, machines are not only learning but thinking for themselves.Artificial intelligence refers to intelligence of a machine and machine learning is one of its subfields. Machine learning involves training, in which large amount of data is fed into algorithms which gives machines the ability to learn how to perform intelligently and effectively. Deep learning makes the machines to mimic the human brain functionality effectively by using various Deep learning algorithms. Neural Networks and Deep learning are closely related. Deep learning is usually called stacked Neural Networks. Swarm intelligence takes into consideration local interaction and focuses on the collective behaviour. This paper presents the various technologies and advancements in machine intelligence that includes Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Neural networks, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep learning and Swarm intelligence.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ACO, Deep learning, PSO

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Ab Waheed Lone, Sheikh Riyaz-ul-Haq, Afaq Alam Khan, A Shift in Learning and Intelligence Acquisition: Technologies and Advancements, 2018. Recent Trends in Programming Languages. 2018; 5(3): 18–25p.

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