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Development of Various Application of NLP for Mizo Language

Chanambam Sveta Devi, Bipul Syam Purkayastha


This paper presents a survey on Application of NLP (Natural language Processing) for Indian Language and we mainly focused on Mizo Language. Indian Languages are morphologically well-off and agglutinative that adds one extra fence. Mizo Languages known as Lushai language; it belongs to the branch of Sino-Tibetan language family. It is the official language of Mizoram, the North Eastern State of India. Moreover, it is a morphologically language with genetic features and it has object-subject-verb order. We discussed some important applications of NLP which had been developed such as E-Dictionary, Morphology Analyzer, Reduplicated Multi-word Expression (RMWE), Name Entity Recognition (NER), Part of Speech (POS) Tagging, Wordnet and Word Sense Disambiguation, Machine Translation (MT), Question Answering, Information Extraction and Text Summarization etc. In this paper, we study and compared the various application of NLP for Mizo languages.

Keywords: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Multiword Expression (MWE), E-Dictionary, Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), Part-Of-Speech (POS).

Cite this Article: Chanambam Sveta Devi, Bipul Syam Purkayastha. Development of Various Application of NLP for Mizo Language. Recent Trends in Programming Languages. 2020; 7(1): 7–15p.

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