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Color Detection Using Open CV-Python

Mohd Saif Abbas, Namrata Dhanda


In this study, we will identify color of different mathematical figures in the example given paired pictures, utilizing Python 2.7, Open Source PC Vision Library (Open CV) and Numpy. Open Cv could be a computer vision library developed by Intel. It is a bunch of C capacities and a couple of C++ classes that carry out broad image cycle and PC vision calculations. Some of the basic image process capabilities embody filtering, edge detection, corner detection, sampling and interpolation, color conversion, morphological operations, histograms, image pyramids, contour processing, distance remodel, moments, model matching, Hough remodel, and polygonal approximation. The key capacities are utilized for preparing the pictures that include stacking them, and recognizing different colors inside the given example pictures.


Image processing, Computer Vision, Python, Open CV.

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